Barry Curtis Park

Barry Curtis Park

PEDESTRIAN, STREET, GUIDANCE A multi-stage masterpiece in Auckland Barry Curtis Park, Auckland, NZ Sales PartnerMHL Landscape ArchitectIsthmus ClientAuckland Council Barry Curtis Park is a vast, multi-user facility, owned by New Zealand’s City of Auckland. The first...
Riverbend Park

Riverbend Park

PEDESTRIAN, STREET & AREA LUMINAIRES Access for all at Riverbend Park Riverbend Park, Launceston, TAS Completed2019 ClientCity of Launceston Sales PartnerSouthern Lighting & Distribution Electrical EngineerJMG Engineers and Planners Landscape...
Tullamarine Freeway

Tullamarine Freeway

PEDESTRIAN, STREET & AREA LUMINAIRES Lighting changes Melbourne’s major airport link to the city Tullamarine Freeway, Melbourne, VIC Completed2018 ClientLendlease Electrical EngineerPower Plant BuilderLendlease Sales PartnerBuckford Illumination Group...
Scarborough Beach Pool

Scarborough Beach Pool

FACADE, ACCENT, PEDESTRIAN Immersed within a landscape – Scarborough Beach Pool Scarborough, WA Sales PartnerH.I. Lighting PhotographerJackie Chan ArchitectChristou Design Group Electrical EngineersETC Consultants The City of Stirling has adopted the highest design...
Quadrant Mall

Quadrant Mall

PEDESTRIAN, STREET & AREA LUMINAIRESQuadrant MallQuadrant Mall, Launceston, TASClientCity Of LauncestonLighting DesignEngineering Solutions TasmaniaSales PartnerSouthern Lighting and DistributionPhotographerJackie ChanLaunceston’s visionary lighting of Quadrant...