The Beauty in Darkness

  • (optional)
  • (max. 200 words)
  • Outlining key considerations and challenges of the project (max. 200 words)
  • Social, environmental, economic (max. 1000 words)
  • Names and number of products

    Please provide 3-5 hero images (daytime & nighttime) and up to 5 supplementary images. Image specs – high quality JPEGs, sized a minimum of 1500 pixels on the longest side. Max. upload size is 10MB. These images may be used for promotional purposes by WE-EF and will also be used by the judging panel. Please ensure the images contain a combination of site and setting, elevations, design etc. to provide as much context as possible of the project.
  • File number limit: 10 Single file size limit: 10MB Allowed file types: Word, Excel, PPT, PDF, Image, Video, Audio
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, pdf, jpg, png, gif, Max. file size: 10 MB, Max. files: 10.

    • File number limit: 10 Single file size limit: 10MB Allowed file types: Word, Excel, PPT, PDF, Image, Video, Audio
      Drop files here or
      Accepted file types: doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, pdf, jpg, png, gif, Max. file size: 10 MB, Max. files: 10.

      • File number limit: 10 Single file size limit: 10MB Allowed file types: Word, Excel, PPT, PDF, Image, Video, Audio
        Drop files here or
        Accepted file types: doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, pdf, jpg, png, gif, Max. file size: 10 MB, Max. files: 10.